Chronic Kidney Failure care program

If your loved one has chronic kidney failure and receives dialysis multiple times each week, it may be difficult for you to take your family member to treatment, especially if your work full time. It may also be hard to keep track of your loved one’s doctor appointments, what medications to take and when to take them. Caring for your loved one can be a full-time job all in itself.

Placing your loved one in an assisted living facility or a nursing home may relieve you of daily caregiving tasks but, you do not have a guarantee that this is the best solution for your loved one who has an advanced stage of kidney failure. While a facility may make arrangements for your loved one to receive dialysis, the question is whether the facility’s staff takes a day-to-day customized approach to caring for your family member. Staff have limited one-on-one time with each patient.

Clearly, affordable in-home care is by and large a great option for your loved one. Your family member can remain in a familiar and secure environment while receiving personal attention from an in-home caregiver. Our live-in Chronic Kidney Failure Care services agency is committed to providing a unique and customized In-Home Chronic Kidney Failure Care services approach to senior care with the goal of a lifestyle that provides enjoyment for the one in care, and families with peace of mind.